(+574) 379 7676
Lun-Vie 8-6pm sab 8-1pm
It is a company of national origin, based in Itagüí Antioquia, created to meet the needs of the agricultural and industrial sector.
In the agricultural sector, the fertilization needs of companies in the citrus, sugar cane, vegetable, fruit, flower, banana and banana sectors are being met with fertilizers for foliar use in specific formulations designed according to the needs of the crop for each farm and a generic product for foliar use, such as’Foliya Completo’, which is currently on the market. We have developed special products for the cleaning of fruit packing machines, disinfectants for moko control and disinfection of environments, latex remover in banana fruit, and odorless hand soaps for industrial use. These products are being used with great success in the region of Urabá, which are distributed by C.I. UNIBAN S.A. (Warehouse). At present we have in the region of Urabá personnel who provide technical support for our products.
To serve in an integral way the agricultural and industrial sector, through the design, production, distribution and commercialization of generic and specific fertilizers, the special maquila service and the manufacture of chemical products.
To achieve greater national and international coverage, permanently develop new products and maintain the quality recognition of the agricultural and industrial sectors.
Lograr mayor cubrimeinto nacional e internacional, desarrollar permanentemente nuevos productos y mantener el reconocimiento de calidad de los sectores agrícolas e industrial.
PBX:379 7676